God can help you and deliver you from drugs if you want him to. It doesn't matter how long you have done drugs, God can deliver you from them. All you have to do is ask him. Just call upon the Lord and let him remove the desire out of your life. God is real and very powerful and can do anything. If you are seeking the Lord to deliver you from meth then just call on Jesus. Just tell him your sorry for everything you have done and ask him to forgive you. He will reach down and touch your life like you have never know before. He will wipe every addiction and desire for drugs out of your body if you want him to.
If you need Jesus to help you, then ask him now. Don't wait. Do it now. I promise you one thing....He will not let you down. Just trust him....He is a good God. He is a loving God. He cares for you. He loves you. He desires for you to be his friend. You are the most precious thing to him. Don't let satan destroy your life. Satan wants you to come with him to hell. Do not go with him. Go with Jesus instead. Jesus loves you so much. He died on a cross just for you. He cared that much for you. He doesn't care what you have done. It's not too late to come to him. It's never too late. Just ask him into your heart and tell him that you need his help.