Welcome to Church House Clipart!
We offer some really adorable and cute hand drawn clipart images. All clipart is for personal use only. Do not sell these clipart images and do not offer them on your website as your own like in a clipart collection. You may use them to print off in your Sunday School Lessons, crafts and other activities that you need them for. Try printing our clipart off and making your entire lesson plan match by sticking the clipart image to cups filled with snacks and then have the same clipart image on the lesson plan. All clipart is hand draw by me and we have tried to make some holiday and other random clipart images that you might find useful in other things besides just your Sunday school classroom.
Church House Clipart © Copyright 2010-2024
All Rights Reserved. For Personal And Classroom Use Only. Redistribution And Resell Is Prohibited. You Do Not Have Permission To Offer Our Images, Printables, Etc On Any Website. If you are a church and would like to use any of our materials for your bulletins or Sunday school lessons then that is okay.